회원가입| 아이디/비밀번호
웹서버별 백업 방법

    Microsoft IIS Version 4.0
    1. Open the Microsoft Management Console: Start > Programs > Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager

    2. Right-click the Web site containing the certificate and select Properties

    3. Click the Directory Security tab

    4. In the Secure Communications section, click Edit

    5. Click Key Manager

    6. Select the key to export

    7. On the menu bar, select Key > Export Key > Backup File

    8. A message warns you about placing sensitive information in a file on your hard drive. Click OK

    9. Specify the name of the file that will hold the exported key. Click Save

    Microsoft IIS Version 5.0, 6.0 or 7.0

    Step 1: Create a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-in for managing certificates

    Create a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-in for managing certificates, as described in solution SO6127.

    Step 2: Export the certificate

    1. Open the Certificates (Local Computer) snap-in you added, and select Personal > Certificates

    2. The Subject field of the certificate lists the Common Name (CN). (Click Tools > Internet Options > Content to view the Common Name if you are not sure)

    3. Right-click on the desired certificate and select All Tasks > Export. The Certificate Export Wizard opens

    4. Select Yes, export the private key

    5. Click Next

    6. In the Export File Format window, ensure the option for Personal Information Exchange - PKCS#12 (.pfx) is selected

    7. Select Include all certificates in the certificate path if possible and then click Next. (If you do not select the Include all certificates in the certificate path if possible option, your server may not recognize the issuer of the certificate, which may result in security warnings for your clients.

    8. De-select Require Strong Encryption. (This may cause a password prompt every time an application attempts to access the private key or it may cause IIS to fail).

    9. Click Next

    10. Enter and confirm a password to protect the PFX file and click Next

    11. Choose a file name and location for the export file (do not include an extension in your file name; the wizard automatically adds the PFX extension for you)

    12. Click Next

    13. Read the summary and verify that the information is correct. Pay special attention to where you saved the file. Ensure that the information is correct

    14. Click Finish

    1. Locate the private key and certificate files. The following directives in the httpd.conf point to the location of the key and certificate files:

    SSLCertificateFile ... /path/to/mycertfile.crt

    SSLCACertificateFile … /path/to/intermediate.crt

    SSLCertificateKeyFile ... /path/to/mykeyfile.key

    NOTE : Depending on the version of Apache, the directive may be SSLCACertificateFile or SSLCertificateChainFile and the configuration file may be httpd.conf or ssl.conf file.

    2. Copy the .key file, both .crt files (one is the server certificate and the other is the intermediate CA certificate), and the httpd.conf file onto a diskette or CD.

    <filename>.key - private key

    <filename>.crt - server certificate

    <filename>.crt - intermediate CA certificate

    httpd.conf - Web server configuration file

    iPlanet Version 4.0 and 6.0
    1. Locate the alias directory within the iPlanet directory

    2. Locate the files: https < server_name > cert7.db and https <server_name> key3.db

    3. Copy them.

    IBM Websphere Server
    1. Type ikeyman on a command line on UNIX or start the Key Management utility in the IBM Websphere Server folder

    2. Select Key Database File from the main menu, and then select Open

    3. In the Open dialog box, type your key database name or click the key.kdb file if you are using the default. Click OK

    4. In the Password Prompt dialog box, type your password, and click OK

    5. Select Personal Certificates in the Key Database content frame, and then click the Export/Import button on the label

    6. In the Export/Import Key window, select Export Key

    7. Select the key database file type

    8. Type the file name or browse and select the location and file name, and then click OK

    9. In the Password Prompt dialog box, type the password, and then click OK

    10. In the Select from Key Label list, select the correct label name and click OK

    1. Navigate to the SSL Directory where the SSL Keystore is kept. By default this can be a hidden directory. For example: /root/.keystore

    2. Make a copy of the keystore file in this directory. This contains your Private and Public keys